Curriculum Vitae - Gerhard Poellinger-Sorré

I´m involved in dogs as long as I remember, held so many Jack Russell Terriers beginning from the, and had my first litter long before they had been recognized by FCI, but „officially“ started after their recognization in 2000. Being involved in the PARSON AND JACK RUSSELL TERRIER CLUB OF AUSTRIA since that time, I soon passed my exams as FCI-judge for this breeds and later being recognized as FCI-Group judge for all Terrier Breeds (Group 3), Toy and Companion Dogs (FCI-group 9) as well as all breeds of FCI-Group 2 (Pinscher, Schnauzer, Molossoides, Mountain Dogs) and some selected breeds of FCI-Group 1 and 5 till now. Today I am Vice-President of the Parson and Jack Russell Terrier Club of Austria and person in charge for JRT-breeding in Austria; because of my main profession as a judge at our Local High Court I am writing in Austrian magazines about dogs & law, holding seminars about this as well as chairman of the disciplinary commission and member of the judges´ commission in ÖKV. I´m judging at national and international level in Austria, Australia, Germany, Czechia, Italy, Scandinavian Countries, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, UK and others, among this at the Club Shows at World Dog Show 2012 in Salzburg (Austria) and at the First National Terrier Show in Camberra / Australia in July 2018. Constantly increasing my knowledge I am deeply involved not only in the beauty of our dogs, but especially in a respectful and ethic way of handling and judging them according to our FCI-rules.


Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesületeinek Szövetsége
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T: +36 70 457 2763, +36 70 616 3312
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